
By default, the sitemap includes all articles and pages of the blog. It is generated automatically by the @nuxtjs/sitemap module.

However, there is two exceptions:

  • pages with the hidden: false frontmatter are not included in the sitemap
  • pages with the draft: false frontmatter are not included in the sitemap

The sitemap is generated at the URL /sitemap.xml. You can disable the sitemap by setting the indexable option to false in the nuxt.config.ts file.

site: {
    indexable: false,

Multilingual blog

If you have a multilingual blog, you should split your urls by language. For instance, if you have a blog in English and French, you should have the following urls:


It is important to configure the alternate links for each page to tell the search engines that the page is available in multiple languages and to avoid duplicate content.

You can configure the alternate links in the frontmatter of the markdown file:

  - hreflang: "en"
    href: "/en/2024-02-24/post01"
  - hreflang: "fr"
    href: "/fr/2024-02-24/post01"
Please note that you have to list all the alternate links in the frontmatter of the markdown file, INCLUDING the current page.

The hreflang attribute is the language of the alternative version of this page. The href attribute is the url of a page with the same content in another language. You can read more about the hreflang attribute on the Google documentation.

The href can be an absolute URL to another website or a relative URL. If it is a relative URL, it should start with a /.