
You can add a newsletter to your blog to keep your readers updated when you publish new content.

The tricky part here is that this blog is a static site, so you can't use a traditional newsletter service, or you'll have to manually send out emails every time you publish a new post and that's not very practical.

Instead, you can use a RSS-to-email service to create a newsletter and then add a form to your blog to allow your readers to sign up. I built RssFeedPulse for this purpose, it's a SAAS that sends an email every time you publish a new post.

Of course you can use another service, here you'll find an example of how to do it with RssFeedPulse but please feel free to use any other service you like.

Enable RSS feed

The RSS feed is enabled by default in this blog, you can find it at /rss.xml. You can check it by going to

Create a newsletter on RssFeedPulse

Don't worry about the design, but copy and paste the form action URL. You should use the API action URL.

Add the form to your blog

You just have to enable the newsletter section in the nuxt.config.ts file and add the form action URL you copied before.

newsletter: {
    enabled: true,
    provider: "rssfeedpulse",  // possible values: "rssfeedpulse", "mailerlite", "demo"
    form_action: "YOUR_FORM_ACTION_URL",

And voilà! You have a newsletter for your static blog. People can sign up, and they'll receive an email every time you publish a new post.