
Easy installation

First, you need to create a new Nuxt application. You can do this by running the following command:

npx nuxi@latest init myblog

Then, you need to install the dependencies:

cd myblog # the blog you just created
npm install @bloggrify/core
npm install -D sass-embedded

Then you have to explicitly say to Nuxt that you are using Bloggrify as an extended module. You can do this by adding the following line in your nuxt.config.js file:

    extends: [

Create a basic configuration file

You should create a default configuration file in the root of your project: app.config.ts.

The first configuration you should add is the theme of your website.

export default defineAppConfig({
    theme: 'minimalist',

It's enough to test locally, but you should read more about the configuration options here.

✨ You can start with the "Minimalist" theme. You can also change the theme later or create your own theme.

Create your first content

By default, there is no content in your project.

Start by creating a new folder called content in the root of your project. This folder will contain all the content of your website.

Create your index page by creating a new file called in the content folder.

title: Welcome to Bloggrify
description: A simple blog with Bloggrify
layout: home
listed: false

Later, you'll add more content.

Remove the default app.vue

You should remove the default app.vue file provided by Nuxt init.

rm app.vue

Test your blog

You can run the development server on http://localhost:3000 and start with the default template.

npm run dev
yarn dev
pnpm run dev
✨ Well done! A browser window should automatically open for http://localhost:3000