Share your theme

It is possible to share your theme with the community. Once your theme is ready to share, you can create a pull request to add your theme.

To do so, you have to follow these steps:

  1. Fork the Bloggrify repository
  2. Add your theme in the data/templates.ts file
  3. Add an image of your theme in the public/images/templates folder
  4. Create a pull request

Each theme should have the following properties:

  • name: The name of the theme
  • image: The path to an image that represents the theme
  • author: The author of the theme
  • demo: The URL of a live demo of the theme

Then you can choose between two options:

  • repository: The URL of the repository of the theme (for public themes)
  • shop: The URL of the shop where the theme is available (for paid themes)


        name: "Mistral",
        image: "/images/templates/bloggr.png",
        author: "eventuallycoding",
        demo: "",
        repository: "",
        name: "Bento",
        author: "eventuallycoding",
        image: "/images/templates/bento.jpg",
        demo: "",
        shop: "",

Once it's done, the theme will be reviewed and added to the list of available themes.

✨ Paid themes are allowed. You can add a link to a shop where the theme is available.
Bloggrify doesn't take any commission on the sales but doesn't check the quality of the themes.