
Manual deployment

To deploy your blog, you should first generate the static files with the following command:

npm run generate

Then, you can deploy the dist folder to your favorite hosting provider.

Netlify deployment

If you have an account on Netlify, you can deploy in one click :

Netlify deploy button

This will create a new repository on your github account and deploy the blog on Netlify.

Alternatively, especially if you want to deploy another template, you can deploy manually on Netlify by following these steps:

Netlify documentation

See also this blog post about how to deploy a blog on Netlify.

Vercel deployment

If you have an account on Vercel, you can deploy in one click :

Deploy with Vercel

Alternatively, especially if you want to deploy another template, you can deploy manually on Vercel by following these steps:

Vercel documentation

Github Pages deployment

You can also deploy your blog on Github Pages. You need to create a new repository on your github account and push the content of the dist folder to the gh-pages branch.

Feel free to this documentation if you have knowledge about github actions to automate the deployment on Github Pages :)

Cloudflare Pages deployment

If you have an account on Cloudflare, you can deploy in one click :

Deploy with Cloudflare

Alternatively, especially if you want to deploy another template, you can deploy manually on Cloudflare by following these steps:

Cloudflare documentation

Deploying on a subfolder

If you want to deploy your blog on a subfolder, like, you can set the baseURL property in the nuxt.config.ts file:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
    app: {
        baseURL: '/subfolder/'

Then you have to change the url in the app.config.ts file:

export default defineAppConfig({

    url: '',