Start your blog in minutes

Bloggrify is a static blogging platform built on top of Nuxt.js and Nuxt-content providing everything you need to start writing your blog hassle-free AND for free.

Built with

NuxtNuxt ContentTailwind CSSMarkdownDescription
Include powerful features

Free hosting

This is a static blogging platform, you can host it for free on Vercel, Netlify, Cloudflare-pages or GitHub Pages.

SEO friendly

Manage everything for you, open graph meta tags, twitter cards, and sitemap

Markdown with components

Thanks to nuxt-content, write your articles in markdown and use components to enhance your content.

Built-in integrations

Hyvor Talk for comments, Pirsch for analytics, RssFeedPulse for newsletter, static search.


Generate your RSS feed and let your readers follow your blog.

Secure & Fast

No database, no server, no backend, no attack surface.



